Learning Materials in Positive Health for Citizenship Education
VITALity Learning Materials in Positive Health for Citizenship Education, are based on the 6 positive health principles suitable for use with all VET students in initial & continuous training. The short session programmes
employ interactive video, guest speakers, PDFs & DOC for optimum student engagement.
A PDF booklet presents the content & availability of accompanying relevant digital resources. Download booklet – pdf file (english)
A wide range of workshops are offered. The teacher can choose a workshop appropriate to, for example, a group of students or a current situation or a theme. The lessons give the teacher tools to encourage students to think critically about each topic and to increase their awareness.
The grocery store jungle
Building Resilience: empathy
The power of your mindset
Healthand mental disorder, diversity and inclusion
Out of your head and into your body
How to sleep
How to sleep
Master your stress
Drugs in the city
Young people and alcohol in traffic
Mastering fear
Emotional balance and mental health
The gender blender
Self care in every aria of your life
Pupils learn to say "stop" or "no"
The leisure cake
Digital balance
Competences for active citizenship and democracy learning.
A good talk for you and me
This is me
Initiating more movement in everyday life and documenting everyday routes in a playful way
Financial consultant at any age!
Exploring cultural diversity at european level
Self Confidence
Healthcare, food and movement
Deal with stress
Motivation and focus
Healthy eating
Maintaining ability to work and wellbeing at work/take care of their health and functional capacity
IKIGAI - The Japanise secret to a long and healthy lyfe
âĒ Feeling healthy
âĒ Feeling fit
âĒ No physical complaints and/or pain
âĒ Sleeping
âĒ Eating
âĒ Sexuality
âĒ Physical condition
âĒ Physical activity
âĒ Being able to remember things
âĒ Being able to concentrate
âĒ Being able to communicate
âĒ Being cheerful
âĒ Accepting yourself
âĒ Being able to handle change
âĒ Feeling in control
âĒ Physical activity
âĒ Having a meaningul life
âĒ Having a zest for life
âĒ Pursuing ideals
âĒ Feeling confident
âĒ Accepting life
âĒ Being grateful
âĒ Lifelong learning
âĒ Enjoyment
âĒ Being happy
âĒ Feeling good
âĒ Feeling well-balanced
âĒ Feeling safe
âĒ Intimacy
âĒ Housing circumstances
âĒ Having enough money
âĒ Social contacts
âĒ Being taken seriously
âĒ Doing fun things together
âĒ Having the support from others
âĒ Sense of belonging
âĒ Doing meaningful things
âĒ Being interested in society
âĒ Taking care of yourself
âĒ Knowing your limitations
âĒ Knowledge of health
âĒ Managing time
âĒ Managing money
âĒ Being able to work
âĒ Being able to ask for help