BFI, Berufsbildungsinstitut Oberösterreich

BFI – Institute for vocational advancement is an Upper Austrian vocational training institution that meets the new requirements of the 21st century’s labour market. It has become a market leader in all variations of re-entry into the job market, second chance education and vocational qualification in health, social and other service jobs.
BFI provides an integrated spectrum of education and training covering all qualification levels – including university degrees – for both professional and occupational applications and affords significant opportunities to both single participants in training courses or seminars and to organizations, companies or special interest groups.

Associate Partners
Altenheim Steyr
BBRZ Österreich
Altenheim Steyr
Altenheim Steyr is a nursing home based on the care model according to Monika Krohwinkel. This reference care is an attempt to put holistic care into practice and is organized in so that each resident is assigned a reference nurse responsible for him or her from admission to the end of the care period. The primary nurse is responsible for the entire care process, including care planning, implementation of care measures and care documentation.
BABE, Berufsvereinigung der ArbeitgeberInnen privater Bildungseinrichtungen
BABE is a voluntary membership-based professional association of employers who run educational institutions.
It has its headquarters in Linz and extends its effectiveness to all provinces of the Republic of Austria. BABE is non-profit, non-partisan and non-denominational, and its activities are non-profit oriented.
BBRZ Österreich
The BBRZ - Vocational Training and Rehabilitation Centre - accompanies people back into working life after an accident or illness.
It is the innovative provider and competence carrier for issues of holistic vocational rehabilitation and prevention. BBRZ is constantly developing new methods and working out successful models that also serve as role models in other European countries.