How the VITALity project will achieve these aims

Five Steps Approach


 into the trends & developments in positive health in the partner countries & the wider EU to determine their relevance to VET.


New training materials for initial & continuous education in the vitality sector.

Training Materials

New training materials for vitality & positive health in citizenship education capturing all students in VET.

Learning Materials

Learning materials for capacity building for staff in the vitality & health care sectors.


Advice & best practice guidelines for cross over activities & initiatives in VET

The VITALity Project’s Results

By November 2022 in each of the partner countries the project will:

Integrate VITALity

and positive health into the vocational education and training of all vitality related sectors such as health care, social care, sport, and beauty for both initial and continuous VET by developing a specific learning module.

Include VITALity

and positive health learning into citizenship education for all VET students.

Support teachers

and trainers by developing learning and support materials and a training course.
